3D motion and other control


Here comes a little post in between – I haven’t yet found the time to upload the rest of the games convention images. However it is now – after the GC is over – clear that there are anyways no big news from the GC: Despite a record of 183 000 visitors the battle over new game consoles is postponed to the Tokyo game show. Probably even without feeling ridiculous Sony showed at the GC just a dummy PS3 under glas and trailers in wmv format. But also Nintendo didn’t show the wii console to the public (but only to showmasters) and found it funny to make riddles about the wii release date, which seems to be Oct. 2. Somehow I missed the joke probably.

Most interesting for us were the game controllers. Both consoles seem to have sensors for measuring rotation and acceleration. See e.g. STMicroelectronics and Analog Devices.(as an intro: wikipedia on MEMS). However the wii seem to need also infrared contact.

Whatsoever another 3D controller which might be even more interesting – especially if the specifications of the game controllers are not openly usable is the Novint Falcon (see image above from wikipedia) – announced on the E3 to be available for under 100$.

Meanwhile the math TU group/jReality group lost patience and bought this nice little gadget.

2 Responses to “3D motion and other control”

  1. randform » Blog Archive » Games Convention Part II Says:

    […] With a two weeks delay I finally managed to put part II of the report about the Games Convention together . As I allready said in this randform post – there were no big technological novelties to see. The european market is obviously not prime interest of the games industry, which became last not least now also apparent by the postponed european release date of playstation 3 (now march 07). Maybe this lack of interest is due to staggering sales (at least in germany) and maybe this is also the reason why this years games convention tried to address a bigger circle of possible customers. So, next to the usual male-under-30 videogame section, the GC hosted not only the aforementioned pong.mythos, but further art+game sections, a family section and a special female partition. […]

  2. randform » Blog Archive » to Wii or not to Wii - In2Games announces new controller Says:

    […] The interested randform reader knows that we are always on the look for fancy input devices. […]

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