
4 Responses to “duckking”

  1. Susi Says:

    Are there geese in the background?

  2. Susi Says:

    You still haven’t answered my question. I like to study these animals. Unfortunately one doesn’t find much animals anymore in big cities. The feet of the birds are funny, they leave funny imprints.

  3. nad Says:

    You still haven’t answered my question. I like to study these animals. Unfortunately one doesn’t find much animals anymore in big cities.

    I am sorry I can’t answer all comments. Anyways you are probably not talking about the mallards or the swans, but about these black ducks. I don’t know what these are, they may be american black ducks but then the images are made in the vicinity of Berlin, Germany. By the way there are still animals in cities. May be you just don’t notice them. Here for example is a video of how to get rid of Krähen who seem to be an annoyance to Moscows inner city by using Goshawks:

    ->Habichte als Wunderwaffe des Moskauer Kreml

  4. Babsi Says:

    Haha vertical cinema!

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