Buchbinder Wahninger HELP?!

I currently feel a bit like in this play by Karl Valentin, called Buchbinder Wanninger. It is the story of a bibliopagist (buchbinder) who is getting grim about reaching nobody at a company called Baufirma Meisel.

What happened?

We are currently looking for a place in a public school (gymnasium mit naturwissenschaftlicher ausrichung) in central munich. Unfortunately we are collecting only rejections (see below). Moreover the schools tell us that we should contact the Schulberatungsstelle and the Schulberatungsstelle tells us to contact the Ministerialbeauftragten and the Ministerialbeauftragten (there are two of them) do not reply.

So please anybody who knows about free places in a gymnasium (5th grade) please send us an email or let us know about it in the comment section. Thanks in advance!

unsere Klassen sind leider alle voll belegt. Es gibt aber die
Möglichkeit sich an den Ministerialbeauftragten für die Gymnasien in Oberbayern Ost, Regerplatz 1, 81541 München zu wenden.Dort kann man Ihnen sagen, in welchen Gymnasien noch Plätze frei sind.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

wir haben Ihre E-Mail dankend erhalten. Die Information, dass
an unserem Gymnasium Japanisch angeboten wird, ist leider
veraltet. Es gab vor einigen Jahren Wahlunterricht Japanisch,
aber der Kollege ist schon länger nicht mehr an der Schule.
Abgesehen davon sind wir in den 5. und 6. Klassen bis zum Limit
und darüber hinaus belegt. Wir mussten dieses Jahr 30 Schüler
abweisen, die nach der 4. Klasse an unsere Schule übertreten
wollten. In München herrscht in den unteren Klassen generell
ein unglaublicher Engpass was Gymnasialplätze betrifft. Ich
fürchte, Sie werden viele Absagen bekommen. In solchen Fällen
gibt es nur einen Weg. Wenn Sie tatsächlich in München sind,
wenden Sie sich an die Schulberatungsstelle. Diese wird Ihnen
weiter helfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

leider sind unsere 5. Klassen in diesem Schuljahr sehr voll.
Mir mussten bereits zum Anmeldetermin Schüler an benachbarte Gymnasien
weiter verweisen.
Die Aufnahme ist deshalb nicht möglich. Versuchen Sie das
Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium oder das Erasmus-Grasser-Gymnasium zu kontaktieren.

Dies sind die nächsten mathematisch technologischen Gymnasien.

Viel Erfolg bei der Suche.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

5 Responses to “Buchbinder Wahninger HELP?!”

  1. Jim Says:

    just curious – did you meanwhile find a new school?

  2. nad Says:

    yes we were assigned to a Gymnasium which is actually rather in the vicinity were we currently live. In principle this is great. It is just that our living location is temporary
    (its not that so easy to find an appartment in munich) and that the school is not so good reachable from other parts of munich. I.e. it may be necessary to change schools again after a couple of months. That would be then the 7th school for a ten year old, which is not so optimal, I guess.

    I dont know what the origin of the school crisis in munich is. I guess to some extend it is that the state is reluctant to hire more teachers. This may be due to an expected demoscopic change and thus also due to an expected pension crisis. I.e. In particular high school teachers in Bavaria are usually bavarian civil servants, which means that they have a very secure pension and e.g. dont need to have the fears of e.g. some americans currently…. unless the state of Bavaria would go broke (which is luckily at the moment not so likely).

    On the other hand this implies that the state of Bavaria has to be careful to put on new pension loads. The following telefon conversation (which really took place, and which is with regard to content true) between a (female) job applicant for a high school teacher job (who would like to remain anonymous) with a clerk at the bavarian ministry of culture (Kultusministerium) illustrates this:

    job applicant: hello I heard that you currently hire ***-teachers in a Quereinsteiger programm.

    ministry: Gruess Gott, yes this is true if you have a diploma in *** then you could apply for our program.

    job applicant: I heard that there is an age limit of 38 years, but I am 39 years old. So I would like to know if it is possible to impute child care.

    ministry: no this is not possible. see we have enough applicants, so we take only these who have a “very good” in their ***-diploma. In addition most of these applicants even had +++ as an additional emphasis subject in their university studies.

    job applicant: but I have also a “very good” in my ***-diploma and I have even a Ph.D. in +++. Plus I already taught at universities here and abroad.

    ministry: I am sorry, but see (schaugns) the state of Bavaria has to see that it can pay for the pensions.

    job applicant: I see.

    ministry: good bye.

  3. Savings Recommendations Says:

    ministry: I am sorry, but see (schaugns) the state of Bavaria has to see that it can pay for the pensions.

    Maybe they also saved money for the upcoming major droughts in Bavaria. This can get very costly, as you can see at the example of Kapstadt.(english):

    But it won’t be cheap as towing the iceberg alone could cost up to $100 million—a steep price for an operation with several questions remaining over its viability.

    Our company Savings Recommendations Limited offers excellent consulting services for all types of pensions schemes, including Group RRSP (Group Registered Retirement Savings Plans), or DPSP (Deferred Profit Sharing Plans) etc. We are
    providing the right matching formula, hand out first class advice and consulting around withdrawal provisions, eligibility and vesting periods, and much much more. Please check out our website.

  4. nad Says:

    @savings recommendations

    Your comment seems to be not automated spam, so for the time being I didn’t erase it. However I erased the link to your company’s website.

    I don’t think it is possible to transport an iceberg to Bavaria, finally it’s not at the sea. I don’t know how bad the drought is and will be in Bavaria. There have been extreme droughts in the Alps, but currently it is more northern and eastern Germany which is affected, as you can see in the images of the Dürremonitor (drought monitor).

  5. Benedikt Melanguer Says:

    In the context of droughts I recommend the excellent Nexus Game:

    The Nexus Game offers a unique opportunity to explore the challenges of water management for energy and food production.

    It is made by the centre for system solution which has an well accomplished expert team.

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