Burnt City animation 3000 BC


This is “old” news. There is an archeological site in Iran called “Burnt city” – a settlement which dates back to 2000-3000 BC. There a goblet of 8 by 10 cm was found on which a goat between two plants is depicted in various jumping positions. If one takes the positions together, it is clear that the movement of a goat was to be displayed.
The researchers put the images in a timely order…so one can see the 5000 years old animation in modern fashion.

The original post was I think from Irans’s Cultural Heritage news agency . However their link to the animation is broken (at the moment their whole site unfortunately doesn’t work properly) but I found another link here.

2 Responses to “Burnt City animation 3000 BC”

  1. Moritz Says:

    an amazing cultural achievement of us homo sapiens! amazing art!
    How did these scientists found out that the images on the vase were an animation?

  2. nad Says:

    Moritz said: “an amazing cultural achievement of us homo sapiens! amazing art!”

    Indeed! For completeness however it should be pointed out that Neanderthals may also have left some traces in art (article, Wikipedia link))

    Moritz said:”How did these scientists found out that the images on the vase were an animation?”

    Hmmm may be they looked at the above image and thought “this looks like a film trayler!” :)

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