how to sew the vmeter sleeve

Tim’s midi-osc article has now an explanation on How to sew the vmeter sleeve and a video which shows the wireless vmeter in action:

6 Responses to “how to sew the vmeter sleeve”

  1. Marta Says:

    Isn’t electronics in itself a big ecological disaster? I think if one is not able to do music without electronics then one shouldn’t do it at all. And integrating that into your clothes seems even to be worse.

  2. nad Says:

    I think everybody is able to do music there are however differences in how that music might be perceived and considered attractive by others.

    And yes with electronics you may rather easily make things sound “good” in a certain way but that doesn’t mean that this kind of “false easyness” is bad apriori, it appears to me bad if it is the only option left, that is if people do not sing anymore because they are afraid that that might sound terrible.

    And yes – thanks for reminding me about ecology and electronics. Of course you are right ecology and electronics is a difficult issue. I actually had planned to write something on that topic. In particular I haven’t yet mentioned a project in wearable computing I had been working on here in a blog post, BECAUSE I wanted to report on it only in connection with at least a side note on these problems. Finally -apart from the question of energy use – via integrating electronics into clothing in particular the recycling of electronics gets even more difficult than it is already. I have had here in Berlin quite some discussions with people about that issue. That is there are already quite some problems with electronic waste but there is still a long way to go until a lot of people see that there are problems and that there may even be more severe problems in the future.
    This doesn’t imply though that one shouldn’t care about electronics (on the contrary) it just means that this discussion needs to be made. I find if one uses technology and learns about a technology then one has to keep its downfalls and dangers in mind. In particular one has to think about whether a broad use should be allowed and if how.
    Like you may e.g. want to study this table with fire arm death rates together with this table about fire arms/capita. I haven’t found a chart which gives indications about controls of fire arm use, that plays of course also a role.

  3. Hackbreischmecktfein Says:

    I found this discussion leaves out essential human needs, finally everybody needs a GPS navigation device! I even find that this should be implanted inside the body, i.e. it should be built under your skin!! This is a human right and you have to balance human rights here.

  4. Marta Says:

    nad wrote:

    And yes with electronics you may rather easily make things sound “good” in a certain way but that doesn’t mean that this kind of “false easyness” is bad apriori, it appears to me bad if it is the only option left, that is if people do not sing anymore because they are afraid that that might sound terrible.

    But I mean you wouldn’t want to annoy your neighbours with ugly singing attempts, so even if I wouldn’t be afraid to sing per se I just don’t want to make other people suffer because of that. I mean you know how terrible it is to hear someone practising an instrument etc.

  5. nad Says:

    But I mean you wouldn’t want to annoy your neighbours with ugly singing attempts

    Sure here in Germany one has usually to be thoughtful of neighbours. That is we usually don’t live here amidst plain nature were one can play the drums all day. When I was a child I was living in such a bad sound-insulated appartment that I wasn’t even allowed to jump in it – even not a little bit. But I think if your living place is half-way sound insulated then if you do not sing too loud and not too often then this should be OK. Likewise for classical instruments – there are meanwhile electronical counterparts for almost all instruments. Like in Japan we bought an electronic violin to be able to play a bit of music without annoying our neighbours. The noise aspect is however a problem for professionals, like a professional singer has to go full voice and a classical instrumentalist has to practise on real classical instruments. I have friends for which this is a real existential problem, because there are if at all very few affordable sound enabling living spaces. Given the recently rather fastly increasing numbers of tourism there are currently also big discussions within Berlin about “noise” in the context of recreational areas like clubs etc. and of course also about the noise of the new planned airport.

  6. nad Says:

    @Marta: I don’t know how typical it is from where you come from to sing in a community, here in Berlin there is for example for people who think that they sing ugly or think that they can’t sing at all the socalled Ich-kann-nicht-singen-Choir (I can’t sing choir). The choir sells even tickets to concerts. Eventually something like this exists also at your place.

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