The discussion about an eventual criticality accident in Fukushima which started in the comment section of the blog post about the Fukushima plant continued partially on Azimuth within this comment.
Last weekend there was a demonstration against nuclear power generation in Berlin, which had about 70.000 participants.
Images of the demonstration after the click.

People are gathering around Leipbbziger Platz

The demonstration starts at Potsdamer Platz

Walking along Reichpietschufer

text on transparency: our nuclear power plants (AKWs) are as secure as our pensions

View from Klingelhöferstrasse to Siegessäule

View into Hofjägerallee

View from Siegessäule to Brandenburg Gates
posted by nad
on Tuesday, March 29th, 2011 at 8:36 pm // berlin, communication, environment, japan, physics.
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