

In the image above it looks as if a boat ferries across to Isola di San Michele. However what you see there it is just Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore. Nevertheless in Venice you may still feel as if Tadzio from the famous film may lurk around the corner any next moment.

Below I make a little advertisement for Piazza San Marco and in particular St. Mark’s Basilica since there are yet not enough tourists there…;)

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2 Responses to “venice”

  1. Gale Says:

    Your holiday pictures are quite nice, but do you really think the are appropriate
    for a blog about “art and design”?

  2. nad Says:

    I find it nice if within a matter of fact oriented blog once in while personal views and information of the respective bloggers are provided. This may make everything more lively.
    The pictures contain some info about venice architecture though. ->Here a link to terrific images of venice in aqua alta.

    I dont know when I’ll have the chance to go on a trip in the next time, so my next
    documentation will may be be about the architecture of the Griesinger hospital and its nice park as they are in the vicinity of where I live at the moment.

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